What is the definition of “Faith” according to the Bible?
希伯來書十一:1:「信就是所望之事的實底,是未見之事的確據。」Hebrews 11:1 says, “Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.”
The meaning of this verse is that we should have confidence in what we hope for, and we must be sure of what we do not see.
When it comes to the word “faith,” the New Testament shows us four meanings:
It means reliance. Faith means that we know that God is trustworthy, and we rely on God.
It means that it is worthwhile to rely on. It is worthwhile to rely on the faithfulness of God.
The content of faith.
The root and the guarantee of faith.
In other words, “Faith” has essential and concrete content. Believers clearly know the object they believe. They build the relationship of mutual reliance, and they share the reality with each other.
Today I want to use the historical experience of Exodus to reflect on the “the Test of Faith.”
The Test of Faith in crossing the Red Sea.
Moses received the calling of God and led the people of Israel out of Egypt.
Since Pharaoh had a hardened heart, he did not allow the people of Israel to leave Egypt, so God punished the Egyptians by sending the ten plagues.
上帝命令摩西宣告災難要臨到時,摩西就要相信上帝的話絕對會實現。When God commanded Moses to proclaim the arrival of plagues, it was necessary that Moses believed in the fulfillment of the word of God.
After the people of Israel left Egypt, Pharaoh regretted and pursued the people of Israel with his army.
The Israelites faced the Red Sea and the army at both ends, they were scared to death.
It was a great test of faith for the Israelites.
They did not have enough faith, so they panicked.
But God commanded Moses to stretch his hand over the sea and divide the waters. Then the Israelites crossed over the sea on dry ground, but the army was drowned as the waters came together again.
The Test of Faith in crossing the Jordan
Before coming into the desert, the Israelites were shut off by the Red Sea. God commanded Moses to divide the waters and people came into the desert by crossing the sea on dry ground.
要離開曠野進入迦南,以色列人再度面臨困難,因為約但河擋在前方。When the Israelites left the desert and were coming into Canaan, they faced difficulties again, for it was hard to cross over the Jordan.
This time God did not divide the waters in advance, He wanted Israelites to walk into the water directly.
God ordered Joshua to command the priests who bore the ark. They were to dip their feet in the water’s edge and to stand in the water, so that the water would be divided.
Joshua obeyed the order of God. He asked the priests who bore the ark to walk into the Jordan.The waters were then divided. The Israelites walked on dry ground and crossed over the Jordan.
The Israelites who crossed over the Jordan were the new generation born in the desert. Before, they heard from their ancestors that God divided the Red Sea.But now, they personally experienced the action of God in dividing the water first time.This action of God helped them in going into Canaan courageously and tearing down the walls of Canaanite cities.
The Test of Faith in going into Jericho
When the Israelites came into Canaan, the first difficulty they faced was the challenge of Jericho.
Jericho was the door to Canaan. It had a strong city wall, and it was guarded safely by warriors.
Facing the strong city wall, the Israelites would not be able to defeat Jericho by their own military strength.
God ordered Joshua to command the Israelites to march around the city seven days.
They would march around the city once for six days. On the seventh day, however, they would march around the city seven times.
They must not utter a word while marching around the city.Also they would shout while marching around the city on the seventh time of the seventh day.
The Israelites did what God ordered them to do, and the walls of Jericho fell down.
The history of the Israelites leaving Egypt, crossing the desert, and going into Canaan shows us that the faith of the Israelites was consistently tested.
Many believers lost their faith when they faced hardships and dangers. They blamed God and complained about their leaders. It was the reason why the first generation of Israelites who left Egypt did not pass the test of faith except Joshua and Caleb.They died in the desert and none of them went into Canaan.
By “Faith” we know that God is reliable.
By “Faith” we know by “faith” that the Bible is the revelation of God.
By “Faith” we know by “faith” that through reading the Bible, we will receive the promise of God.
On account of “Faith” we learn that we should clearly know our trustworthy
On account of “Faith” we know that we can build true and trusting relationship with God, and share truthfulness with each other.
On account of “Faith”, we know that we should worship God in spirit and truth.
When we trust God, it does not guarantee that we will not face trial and suffering.
But on account of “faith”, we believe that God allows every trial to be accompanied by God’s promise of being with us.
Moses trusted the power of God, so he performed many miracles and led the Israelites out of Egypt. They stayed in the desert for forty years.
Once Moses lost his faith and did not glorify God, he died at the border of the desert and could not go into the promised land.
God lets us experience many tests of “Faith.” No matter how big the test is, if we trust God and obey the order of God, we will receive the promise.
When the Israelites were going to cross over the Jordan, God’s requirement of their faith was that they “walk into” the water.
When they walked into the water the water was divided.
When they obeyed God and did what God ordered them to do, the wall of Jericho fell down.
Our lives are full of Red Seas. When we face obstacles, God will open the way for us and let us cross over smoothly.
But sometimes, we also face circumstances similar to the example of walking into the Jordan.
A problem is before us and God does not remove it in advance.
What we should do is to trust God and walk into the Jordan. Once we walk into the Jordan, the water will be divided.
At other times, we face what the Israelites faced before Jericho.
The difficulties and obstacles are as powerful as the city wall.
What God wants us to do is to obey God’s leading quietly,Arching around the city wall slowly and patiently.
In the end, the city wall in front of us will be broken down.