七月七日下午,我帶著兒子QJ到住家附近的衛武營走路運動. 衛武營裡面有許多以前軍營時期留下來的樹.

由於衛武營將於2010年逐步完成國家藝術園區, 我很擔心有些樹木會因為藝術園區的建立而遭受砍伐的命運,所以一邊走路,我一面祝福所有的樹能被完整保留,並且健康的成長.


我們想想認識的人, 並看看哪棵樹長得最像那人, 然後將那棵樹以他們的名字命名.

我選了一棵挺拔的木棉樹,覺得它長得堅定剛毅,很像來台徒步宣達環保與和平理念的環保行動家宮田祐次先生(Yuji Miyata)所以將它取名為Yuji Tree.

走到大門入口處, QJ突然指著一棵樹說: 這棵叫做Rebecca Tree.

「Rebecca Tree ?  你怎麼會選這棵樹,把它取名為 Rebecca Tree 呢 ?」 Q媽好奇的問QJ

「因為它看起來很像你啊! 又漂亮, 又堅強!」



「Rebecca Tree , 嗯, 好! 我喜歡 !」Q媽說: 「那下次來的時候, 我們就要大聲說 哈囉 !Rebecca Tree 妳好嗎? 我相信Rebecca Tree 一定會跟我們說 嘿! Q媽 QJ  謝謝你們, 我很好! 」

我多麼地期待這棵 Rebecca Tree 和園區的每棵樹都能被珍惜保留, 並且健康的成長茁壯......

7/7 afternoon, I took my son QJcak to walk to Wei-Wu-Ying(衛武營) .

It is near my home and have many trees.

When I walked, I hope every tree which in Wei-Wu-Ying will be saved.

Because Wei-Wu-Ying will be built become a National Arts Center in 2010 year.

Therefore I blessed every trees will be saved and grow well.

When we finished walking, we chose some trees and named it.

I chose a tree and name it Yuji Tree, because it looks really steady and patience.

QJ chose a big tree which near the entrance and named it Rebecca Tree.

"Rebecca Tree? Why do you want to name it Rebecca Tree?" I asked for QJ.

" Because it looks really like you, so beautiful and so strong !!" QJ replied me.

" Really?" I smiled.

"Really!!" QJ laughed.

" Rebecca Tree ?!!! Um, so great ! I like it."

I said to QJ " Thank you! Next time, when we come again, we must shout

" Hello! Rebecca Tree ! How are you?" and I believe the Rebecca Tree will reply us

"Hey! qrebecca and QJ, I am fine, thank you !!"

Yes, I hope the Rebecca Tree and every tree will be saved and grows strong and strong .....



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